Being silly
We have had a fun filled week of Easter preparations and activities. Julia went to school this week and they dyed eggs and had lots of fun. Maggie has cut her 2 top teeth and has been suffering from a runny nose all week. True to form she has been in a fine mood and her enormous appetite has not wavered in the least. I started getting concerned yesterday because she sounds hoarse and she was coughing and congested. So this morning I sent Wyatt and Julia to the church Easter Egg hunt and I took Maggie to the doctor. She had a low temp but otherwise looked good (no ear infection and lungs sounded clear). He decided it was a sinus infection and we will take amoxil for 10 days. Julia had a blast in the windy cold air at the egg hunt and Maggie is now resting peacefully. She had a hard time sleeping last night so she was beat. Tomorrow we will head to church early since Wyatt is headed to Canada in the afternoon and the girls and I will celebrate with a feast at Jill and Tim's house (Julia's friend's house too Gracie Jones). I feel very blessed to have friends to be with since we are far from family.
We also went to visit the Easter Bunny at the mall yesterday. The girls did great. Julia had already decided that she was going to sit on the bench next to the bunny and Mags would sit in his lap. It all worked out well and I was even able to get some pics too!! The only blunder was that Maggie (as usual) took a bump to the forehead about 15 min before the picture. She has a nice swollen blue knot on her head but you can't really see it in the picture. That girl she is a tough one at least.
Have a Happy Easter Weekend!!
Great pictures,glad Julia liked the Easter Bunny. Love,Mimi
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