Maggie did a '
lil yard work an ate a "
lil dirt too..

"Mama dis is no good!!!"

Maggie's stage/box that Mimi sent some clothes in......she loves it!

See it in the corner? The bird's nest? It's there...

Thursday it was empty. Friday it had one, Sat it had 2, and yesterday it had 3, and today it had 4!!!

I think she is done laying them for now. The
Internet said 4-5 eggs at a time and in 12-14 days we will know if they have babies in them. Apparently Robins lay eggs
every time they ovulate but they are not always baby birds.......I hope there is a "daddy" bird out there somewhere so I do not have to explain too much to Julia.

After "helping" daddy build a
raised flower bed and doing yard work all day.
Also after much research (on the
Internet) and a whole day, we learned that some critters in the front flower bed were baby rabbits. There are 4 of them as well (we think). They are very sluggish and sleep
alot and have not come out of their hole yet. Julia and Wyatt check on them daily and Julia has even touched them!! I know I can't believe it!! She surprises me more everyday........
JUST RECOGNIZED MAGGIE'S OUTFIT.No more eating dirt.Sorry bout the rabbits.Hope the birds have a happier ending.
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