
Sunday, September 28, 2008

Weekend Update

Well we have had a busy and productive weekend up here in Ohio. Saturday Wyatt took Julia to the park for a while and I stayed in with Maggie(she was napping):) Then we grilled out (after the kids went to sleep) some delicious Omaha steaks that Grandmama and Granddaddy had sent to us!! They were GREAT thanks so much for the surprise delivery this week. We also switched cars. I took the Tahoe and Wyatt now has the car. This was for the obvious gas reasons and also the Tahoe is more roomy for all the kids stuff that I have to lug around. Today we went to a church picnic. They had bouncers, hot dogs, hamburgers, a puppet show and a huge playground. Julia played and played and also had cotton candy for the first time. It was really fun. The rest of today will be spent preparing to a full week of activities. I hope to keep you posted on all that is going on throughout the week. For now enjoy some pics from the weekend (i actually made it into one).
A little video treat of Julia singing the Veggie Tales intro.
Mind you this happens EVERY time we get into the car. Enjoy!

Friday, September 26, 2008

I am pleased to announce.......

the spider is DEAD!! For the past few weeks there has been a spider that weaves a web nightly in the top corner outside our sliding glass door (it is a very good spot you know right by the light and it always has bugs stuck in it no doubt he is a VERY smart spider). The problem is EVERYDAY I get up and let the dogs outside and I stick just my head out the door (you know enough to feel the temp of the air). And EVERYDAY my forehead hits the spider web. Gross I know and what a way to greet the day. Well then I have to get my broom and destroy the web for the day and it is ALWAYS there the next morning. Well the other day Wyatt and I had been talking about it and since then I have started ducking to keep from getting attacked from the web. Of coarse I had to laugh when he walked through it because you know he is taller and it got him in the face. I started being a little more watchful because it dawned on me that I have never seen the spider. Well 2 days ago I found him and I was unsuccessful in ending his life. But yesterday the girls and I went on the deck to play bubbles and I saw him sleeping all wrapped up in his little webbed bed. I sprung into action...." Julia back up Mommy has to kill this spider!" I grab my broom and knock down the little bed he had made and then I stomped him dead and brushed him off the deck. This morning I am please to report there was no web.

Julia has done some great artwork at school and I wanted to share.

The artist herself playing dress up

Maggie just being cute!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wordless Wednesday




The 3 and half year old BIG sister fed the 7 month old little sister 2 jars of babyfood!! ....well almost wordless Wednesday.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Gotta LUV that CHUB!!!

During our black out I took the chance to snap some pics of Maggie Moo Moo's CHUB!! I love it! I do not remember Julia having rolls like this. And soon enough she will be crawling and walking and it will be gone. Enjoy!
Julia is the BEST big sister. She LOVES her Moo Moo!!

Here Julia is using the toy in her hand to "give Mags a bath" the yellow string things I guess they resemble a shower head.....Maggie gets these "baths" quiet often and sometimes they last a little too long for her liking. Sweet thing puts up with ALOT around our house.

Julia: "Here Sweetie, lets get our bath...."
Mags: "Enough, big sister I am clean!!! NOW STOP IT!!"

The CHUB I love!!

Who can resist a chubby wrist?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

10 Things I LOVE......

about having ELECTRICITY!!! yup that's right it's one thing you take for granted until you are without it for 36 hours. Sunday at 4pm we went dark here in Ohio. Lucky for me Wyatt flew to Colorado (where they DO have power) first thing Monday morning. So that begins a period of what I am calling "Camping on Creekwood" by pioneer mom Jane Morris. Monday began as most do with feeding Maggie a bottle (still had some, not very, but hot enough) hot water to make her happy. Then in the car and to the nearest Starbuck's with power that I could find. Mama needs some caffeine to get through this one. Then we also found a breakfast place with power so we went and ate a longer then usual breakfast (to delay having to go home). Then we went to Target and then back home. Meanwhile mind you I am having to manually open and close my garage door every time I come and go. My 2 neighbors also have 2 small children each and their husbands were gone too. We were some serious desperate housewives for sure. We went to lunch at McDonald's and then home for naps. During my very very quiet time I decided to check the mail it was then that I remembered that I need to be checking my sump pump- a thing in a basement basically a hole in the ground with a pump in it that pumps out water to keep your basement from flooding and yup you guessed it runs on ELECTRICITY. Wyatt checked it before he left and we do have a battery back up but apparently it does not last very long. With flash light in tow I am off to the basement and the water is about 4 inches from the top of the hole. I get my bucket and my big cup and start baling water into the bucket and up the stairs and out the door and water the flowers. Repeat. repeat. repeat. At this point I am feeling like a pioneer woman for sure. I get the water down about 4 inches and then I take a cold shower. By this time my neighbors husband is home and comes down to help me and tries to hook the sump pump up to my car battery with some device and it does not work so I keep bailing 3-5 buckets every hour. Once the kids went to bed and it was pitch black in my house I boiled some water in a pot on my gas grill to sterilize Maggie's nipples for her bottles the next day and then I washed dishes by candle light in cold water. The power returned Tuesday morning at 5 am. Praise God!! Yesterday we hit the grocery and I washed laundry (anything i could find just to do it because i could), ran the dishwasher (rewashing hand washed dishes from the day before), baked cupcakes(just cause),took a HOT shower,gave Julia a much needed bath, and made coffee!!! SOOO 10 things I LOVE about electricity are:

10. a working garage door and sump pump
9. microwaving ANYTHING
8. ceiling fans
7. coffee pot
6. hot showers
5. drying my hair
4. using a fridge rather then a cooler on my deck
3. dishwashers
2. being able to cook something for my kids
1. going to the bathroom with out a flashlight

I did take some pics of the girls playing together that I will put up.

Then Julia took over:

She calls this one "Maggie with no face"

Smile Daddy!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Maggie has hit another milestone!!

No she is not walking or crawling yet BUT this is just as good. We have been doing patty cake for quite sometime now but I, of coarse, pat her hands together for her. On Wednesday I was burping her halfway through her bottle...(and if you have ever had the pleasure of feeding her you know she gets angry when you remove the bottle from her mouth you just don't mess with a girls food!!) so I was trying to entertain her so she would not cry and give me a good ole burp. So we were doing a little patty cake. I put her on my lap facing me and starting singing it and before I had a chance to grab her hands she started clapping!!! I was pumped! I am sure that she is a genius I mean seriously..... isn't it early for her to be this coordinated? I will have to do some Internet research on this to find out just how gifted she is. Letterman here we come. So I documented this momentous milestone for your enjoyment. Sorry about the ending -I guess she never did get a good burp :)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Jana!!

Hope you have a great day! Wish we were there. We love you and miss you.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

First Day of School.....

Well Julia had her first day of school today :) She was pumped and so was I. Drop off went very smooth with no tears or even hesitation for that matter. It was some one's birthday today and they had a celebration and that is all she has been talking about all day long. Here are some pics of the day and a sweet video of Mags (i could not resist) she is looking at the dogs in case you are wondering why she is squealing. Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Video as promised.....round 2 at the SLIDE!

Maggie made it this time.

"Yeah!" "i wish i was big enough to silde"....maybe next year

Sweet sisters!!

Girl's night out and Waterslides for the end of Summer!!

Last night I went out for girl's night with my 2 neighbor friends Anna and Susie. Susie lives right next door and Anna is on the other side of her. They both found out the were expecting their 2nd babies soon after we moved here so we were all pregnant together. Susie also saved us when my water broke with Maggie, she took Julia for the whole night and next day. She is awesome! Well anyway her husband is going out of town for 2 weeks on Sunday so we got out for some adult time that was long overdue and we had a blast. Needless to say I am exhausted and need a nap. We discussed getting out Susie and Dan's GIANT water slide today to wear out the kids so we could also rest. Sure enough I looked out at 9 am and there it was larger than life in her backyard and ready to go.

So I quickly got Maggie down for a nap and got Julia into her suit and we took off. I am not kidding this thing is HUGE!!! I thought for sure that Julia would not climb up the ladder (which is just holes and handles in the side of it) much like a rock wall and if she did she would be too scared to slide (because it is SOO tall).

But up she went and down she flew FAST very FAST and slammed into the little wall at the bottom and loved every second of it.

And so this started the constant "Mama watch!!!" "Mama LOOK AT ME!!!" It was great! They had so much fun. Little Danny and Alex are still a little small to climb up but we would set them on the slide and let them go down. Then at the bottom is a baby pool area where they played with a bunch of toys.

Julia pouting because we have to leave. This is also the landing spot after you go down the slide.

If we go back over later I will try to get some video of her. If not I will update tomorrow after the first day of school!!!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Lobor Day Weekend......

Well this weekend started out on Friday with Miss Maggie having a photo shoot at Target so I could document her chubbiness to have it on record for the rest of her life. It went OK....she was not as smiley as I would have liked but isn't that always the case? As soon as it matters and you want them to they don't. But we got some good ones nevertheless. Saturday was work day around the Morris house. We were doing a little room swapping project to make a more spacious playroom for the girls. We (as in me and Wyatt) moved 2 bookshelves, 1 upright piano, and a very heavy buffet like piece of furniture from one room to another. I also assembled some new cubbies/shelves for the playroom so everything is not just in one stack along the wall. Then on Sunday after church we went to Lowes and got 2 new light fixtures to be installed by my man-be-handy husband. Who knew??? It was surprisingly easy and quick. All I had to do was assist in holding things and handing tools. And today we hung some things on the wall. So we have accomplished alot this Labor Day weekend. Below are some pictures to show off our hard work.

The new shelves....

More room to play!

They are going to LOVE it!!

Our new "sitting room", "reading room" ......(please excuse the black chair it is being replaced shortly just needed 2 chairs there).

The bookshelves. Please excuse the naked window and bad lighting curtains coming soon.

The piano.

The new bathroom light!! Wyatt also painted this room while I was in Memphis for 2 weeks.

New "sitting room" light. This replaced the ugly, gold, out of date but spray painted silver, chandelier left by the previous owners. The sitting room is what would be the formal dining room if we needed a dining room.

So we are getting ready for this week. Tomorrow Julia goes for meet the teacher day. Her class is bigger this year and she had 2 teachers instead of 1. She is really excited. The first class day is Thursday. Saying a prayer for our family down south. Stay safe and dry (if possible) while riding out Gustav. Have a great week!