Well Julia started not "feeling" well on Saturday. She had a severe runny nose and started coughing that night. She did fine and I thought she was better on Sunday. By Sunday night she was winy again and was not her usual perky self. She went to bed with no problem and later that night when I went to check on her she was still up but very groggy and tired. About and hour after that she was crying in her bed and saying that she had an ear infection. She was able to tell me which one was hurting so I got her some Motrin and she went to bed. At 3:45 am Wyatt and I awoke to a VERY loud BANG!! followed by Julia crying right by Wyatt's side of the bed. It was soo scary. We both had no idea what was going on. Wyatt acted fast and reached down and grabbed her up and took her back to her bed and got her back to bed. When he came back he said she was complaining about hurting her elbow...... We headed to the doc at 10:30 after many assurances that there would be no shots this time ect.... she does have an ear infection so we have our meds and she is on the mend. Late yesterday afternoon when Julia was "all better" since she had taken her medicine (once) she noticed these 2 black bruises on her elbow.
How pitiful does she look? The funny thing is the first thing she said about the bruises was, "Mama they are just like the Princess and the Pea." She really was looking rough yesterday. She would lay around for about an hour and then play for an hour. I could tell she was not her normal self. Last night she slept great (no late night bumps or screams) and this is what I saw this morning when she got up.
Glad she is better,she was looking rough...still love the make up one!
Hate that she is not feeling great but I am glad she is getting better
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