The day she was born........
Home from the hospital and into sister's arms.......
She really was a GREAT baby.......
Soon the smiles started with those precious dimples......
(about 2 months)
Happy Girl.......
(about 4 months)
6 months

I can't believe my baby is ONE!!!!

What a year it has is hard to believe that it has only been a year since Mags was born. I feel like she has always been in our family. She has defiantly been a great addition. One year ago today my water broke and the crazy waiting game began. Wyatt and I got Julia settled with our neighbor for the night and took off for the hospital. It was soo fun to call everyone to let them know it was time since I did not get to do that with Julia. Once we were checked in at the hospital we got ready for a LONG night. Little did we know just how long it would take to get to 10 cm. My mom actually had time change/rebook her flight and make it to Columbus, take a cab to the hospital, and see me before Maggie arrived. I was soo glad she made it. Nearly 18 hours after getting to the hospital Maggie made her appearance at 1:26 pm on Valentines Day!! I can still remember the excitement and anticipation in the delivery room when she was born and we heard "It's a GIRL!!" And she has dimples!!!!! It was so funny because the nurse had just given me the "lecture" they give all laboring moms about what to expect right when the baby comes out. You know "the baby might not cry right away" "we may have to do this do that......" "the baby might not look very good" blah blah blah....... Julia was 12 days late and looked really grey at birth and (she also had that really bad cone head some babies have at first) did not really cry either so I was ready for anything. Well Maggie was ready to make her debut that is for sure. She came out literally with one hand up by her face and in the air and SCREAMING before her whole body was out of mine. It was crazy!! We laughed at her waving and screaming and her was awesome. Wyatt was soo excited to get home to pick up Jules and bring her to the hospital to meet her baby sister. It really was a great Valentines Day last year. I just can't get over how much she has changed and her little personality is starting to come out and it is so cute. I love watching her learn and discover new things everyday! She is VERY snugly and loving always hugging and giving kisses. She makes the funniest faces and expressions these days. She also has a little temper too! Julia is really the one that brings it out in her the most. But hey she is learning to stand her ground and voice her feelings when Julia upsets her. After all it has been a year and she has put up with a lot from big sis so far. I am thinking this might be the year of the power struggle. Nevertheless I am ready for it. I am excited to see what this next year will bring our way.
Happy Birthday Maggie Moo Moo!! We love you so much and are blessed that you are our daughter and sister. - Mama, Daddy, and Julia