Sorry for the delay in updates. We made it to Memphis for Thanksgiving and that is about where things went downhill. The stomach virus attacked my little family on Thanksgiving morning with a vengeance. Sooo for the second year in a row we missed a big family gathering due to the stomach virus. There were family members that had never seen Maggie and that we have not seen in 2 years. Soo sad. Julia made it to the gathering where she was able to play for a while until she got the bug. Here is where I must give props to Aunt Elizabeth- she helped Julia (literally) while she was getting sick, ended up with throw up on her own clothes and then brought my vomiting child home (1 hour car ride) to me. Not to mention this whole time she has her own 4 month old to care for. I owe her!! Speaking of Libby here is that cutie!!

The story does not end there. After we recovered from the virus we decided to drive down to visit my grandparents since we did not get to see them at Thanksgiving. On the way down we of coarse we would get a nail stuck in the side of the tire. So we stop (for an hour and a half and Maggie needed a nap and was still not 100%) at a tire shop to get a new tire for the borrowed mini van we were driving. Yes, we borrowed the van from my grandparents to drive while we were in town (thanks J and J for letting us use it!!). We got a new tire and ended up having a great visit.
There was still fun to be had. Mimi and Julia made homemade play dough!!

Maggie not too sure about
My poor sick babies. Can you tell they are sick? Julia got sick in the car on the way to Elizabeth so that is why she is in PJ's and not her cute clothes.

O Dog
Mimi and Julia also made gingerbread cookies!!

Click on this picture and you should be able to get close enough to see Maggie's 2 teeth on bottom. What a face on that one!! You can tell she is not sick anymore.
Now we are back home and gearing up for Christmas. I did make a big turkey dinner the week we got home since we missed all the food when were in Memphis. You know when you go 48 hours without eating it is kind of hard to have a Happy Thanksgiving. We went to get a tree on Saturday. We opted not to go and cut one ourselves like we did last year due to the fact that it was like 10 degrees here and blowing snow. But nevertheless the tree was up and decorated by Saturday night.
Mimi and two of her girls....
Here is nurse maid Mimi. She spent her time helping me care for sick children while I was there. She and Pop ended up virus free and were able to care for us. Babies needed rocking, bathing, holding, feeding. Laundry needed washing. Pop kept us stocked up with ginger ale and pedialyte. Thanks for all your help while we were sick.
Here is our tree.
skip to 3 am Sunday morning: I hear what sounds like a brick being thrown through a window in our house. After 5 min of convincing Wyatt that he needs to get up and go check it out he does and comes back to tell me it was just our tree falling over and a bunch of ornaments breaking. Nice. Soo first thing Sunday morning there I am cleaning up shattered ornaments off of the carpet and entry hall floor. How Wyatt set the tree back up and made it back upstairs in the middle of the night without stepping on any glass I will never know because it was EVERYWHERE!! See pic below.

It was mostly just colored balls that broke except for Julia's baby's 1st Christmas ornament. It broke too.

At this point I am thinking if I make it to New Year's I will be doing good.
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