
Monday, November 24, 2008

I am Thankful for.............

being able to stay home with my beautiful girls on a daily basis. I realize how lucky I am to be able to do this especially when I watch the news everyday.

my husband, for his sacrifice and hard work. He makes it possible for me to be home.

my Julia, for making me LAUGH everyday sometimes more then once. I swear the stuff she comes up with just cracks me up!!

my Mags and her dimples (they are still there and I hope they NEVER go away)

my friends, who help to keep me sane when I am about to loose it.

my "new" friends that I have made since moving up to Ohio.

my family back "home"(Mississippi and Tennessee) who LOVE my girls as much as I do and help out with the kids so Wyatt and I can have getaways once in a while. It is a big job to keep kids when you are out of practice. I know it is tiring and wearing BUT I am soo Thankful for YOU!!! My girls LOVE you for it!!

my God, for giving me my girls and my family to love and nurture for Him while I am here on Earth.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Julia's class at the concert last week. The little blond with the red bow is Gracie Julia best friend. The little blond boy 6th from the left is Brock-Julia talks about him alot.

Maggie being thankful for the keyboard and music.

We are headed to Memphis tomorrow until Sunday so until then Happy Holidays!!


Julianne said...

Love the blog ,waiting for some photos from your visit to Memphis.