The Morris girls (we sure missed Daddy)
Julia's first stop.
Maggie was the BEST!! She just took it all in stride and enjoyed the wagon.
Looking a little more relaxed as the night wore on

We went trick-or-treating with our neighbor Susie and her boys Danny (the elephant) and she has a baby too but he was being carried. Julia loved "showing Danny how it's done" at every house that we went to. He was really cute and just learning how to talk so Julia was teaching him as we went. Miss Susie also got in trouble quite a few times for saying "Julia" when she was supposed to be saying "Dorthy". Julia did not let her get away with it once. Also Julia's shyness disappeared about midway through and she began to give candy back saying "I don't like chocolate. Can I have something else?" After doing this 2 times in a row I had to tell her just "Keep the chocolate and Mommy will eat it for you later"(smile). Yeah, at least I will get a sweet reward for all of the hard work that I have put into Halloween 2008. I really was beat after this week. We had a great night altogether. Julia was able to experience both sides of Halloween this year. After we went to about 10 house (plenty for me and she felt like she had "enough" candy) we came home to put Maggie down. This way Julia was able to help me answer the door when the kids came by and she loved it! She loved the costumes and handing out the candy. Only one fully masked, creepy skeleton freaked her out and she would not come near the door. She also started drawing pictures to show the kids who were coming over, it was really cute.
** the nose injury in case you have not heard happened when Julia was bouncing on her bed and hit her nose on the headboard. It was at bed time and it involved bleeding and an ice pack and also a very pitiful call to Daddy (who was out to dinner on his trip and had to leave the restaurant so he could hear and talk to her on the phone).
****Also pumpkin pins on the girl's costumes compliments of Grandmama and Granddaddy! Thanks so much they were so cute on them. We can't wait to see ya'll next week!!!!
So, so cute. Thanks for sharing
Neecie is so proud that she made the cut and got her photo included.
Lots of love
Uncle Sue
I love Maggie Moo Moo's costume. She looks so cute and Julia makes the best Dorothy!
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