A blog that I read started this thing called "Not Me Monday" where you post all of the things that you "did not" do all week long. I have a few to share from our ever exciting life with two little ones.
This week I did not use the Elf, sitting on the shelf, for bribery to get Julia to clean up, eat all of her food, be nice to her sister or anything of the like. That would just be wrong of me to use Christmas like that. What kind of mom does that?
I also did not allow my 10 month old to shread up tissue paper, wrapping paper, or magazines because I knew it would allow me a fews minutes of free time. I also did not have to spend the next 20 minutes fishing tiny pieces of paper out of her mouth.
I did not sit back and chuckle while taking video of Maggie during the witching hour. You know the time of the day when children are fussy. Well most children anyway, mine are not and would never act fussy anytime of the day. They are blissfully happy kids 24/7.
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