sporting a new messenger bag
Well the BIG day finally arrived!! Although hesitant at first about going to school all day everyday Julia is now excited about 1st grade. Maggie on the other hand has been dreading this and is NOT ready to have sissy be gone all day leaving her with no one to play with........She will start preschool next week and she is very excited for it to be her turn.
After reassuring Julia that "everyday" means Monday - Friday and that she still gets the weekends off (like Daddy) she felt much better about going everyday. I know she is also sad to be missing out on what is going on at home with out her.
So the summer routine is over (boo for me I was getting spoiled BAD). Julia now has an alarm clock that gets her up and she gets dressed and comes down for breakfast. So far after 2 mornings it has been working out great........that may change next week when she is completely worn out from a full week.
I cannot believe how fast she has grown up!! I feel so old saying that I have a 1st grader. And I will say even though it has only been 2 days it is really quiet and weird around the house with out Julia being here. Right now I have an ever present side kick (Moo Moo) who does not let me leave her sight for long but she starts Monday and will go 3 mornings a week.
So far our school year is off to a great start!!
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