Mimi, Pop, Elizabeth, Libby, and John Henry came to visit for Spring Break!!

Mimi and Pop with ALL 4 grand kids!!

This little man had TONS of attention all week there was always a little girl hugging, holding, kissing, and loving on him!! (how could you not?)

The girls!!

Julia was soo good with him.....

Uncle Wyo......(or as Libby says "uncle ohio")

The visit was awesome!! We had people sleeping all over the house but it was so fun seeing all the kids together and getting to hang out. We had a few outings with the kids and without. Jill hooked us up with some babysitting so we could all get away for a nice dinner on the last night. It was great and as always went by way to fast!! Countdown is on til Mexico in May when we will ALL be together again!!
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