Burrrr cold!
Here is Maggie. Notice how she is NOT going for the bowl at all (which thankfully was still half full and I did not have to make more). Of coarse, the first thing I did was go for the camera to snap some pics and she went for the piles on the floor and started picking it up off the floor and eating it. Nice huh? Yup she is the second child for sure. She got about 2 bites in before I put her in chair.
SIDE NOTE: I must disclose some information about my house cleaning habits. I am NOT an OCD clean freak, everything must be in it's place, germaphobe, housewife. My house is clean, I mean as clean as it can get right now with 2 kids, 2 dogs (that shed). I do not spend hours a day cleaning,sanitizing,scrubbing ect.... I just can't do it. If I did that I would feel like I would never leave my house. I like a "lived in home" not a museum feel. Honestly there is ALWAYS something that needs to be cleaned at all times. I have just come to accept this about my life and house. I would rather play with my kids and hang with my hubby when he is home then play house maid. This also means that I always wait until the last minute when I know people are coming over before I start picking up. There is just no point in doing it early because I would just be redoing what I have already done. It is a vicious cycle. So now you know how I feel about cleaning. This I feel makes it all the more amusing that Maggie ate oatmeal off of the floor. God make dirt right?! Have a great Thursday!!
Loved the pictures,glad it was more snow than ice.
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