See told you
This weekend was another COLD one up here in Ohio!! We finally took the girls out for a fun trip to COSI on Sunday. COSI is like the children's museum in Memphis with lots of fun things for kids and some stuff for parents too! The girls enjoyed the water play, slides, balls, and rats playing basketball. We had a great afternoon.
Maggie is also hamming it up at dinner time too! I have to sing to her while I am getting her supper otherwise she SCREAMS at the top of her lungs until you put food on her tray. It is crazy and I am not exaggerating at all. It is headache causing screams and we just have to laugh at her. But I sing the supper song and it keeps her from screaming so now she dances and it is too cute not to share. Please excuse my singing ability. It is not my best feature......Enjoy!
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