
Thursday, July 24, 2008

"We are family...I got my sister with me"

Not much has been going on around here lately. We did go to a birthday party last weekend and Julia had to borrow a bathing suit (the matching Mermaid suit with Leah) The kids had a blast but as for most kids parties when you try to take 2 kids out in the heat by the end I was tired, hot, and hungry. We are just getting ready for our trip to Memphis in less then 2 weeks to meet Ansley Miller and baby Given fondly known as Annie Ethel. Other then that our summer is winding down and we are eager to get the school year started. Julia is soo excited to go back to her preschool. Maggie is doing great just getting bigger everyday. That is all for now. Have a great weekend.

side note: notice the title of book Julia is "reading" to Maggie. "How to Con your Kid" she loves this book because it had a rubber duck on the front and she is pretending to read it to her like her teacher does at school. Cracks me up!!
Also I posed Julia sitting on the fence behind our house because the flowers/weeds were really tall and it made a good backdrop.