
Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Lazy Days of Summer

Sorry to leave you hanging with no post but things just settled around here. We had a 4th of July cookout and had some of Wyatt's work friends over and neighbors to enjoy a taste of southern food. It went great and everyone ate alot. The kids played and had a great time. On Sunday we met Russell, Callie and Amanda in Cincinnati and they got to see Maggie for the first time. We had a fun but quick visit for dinner. Julia did not know who we were going to see and she beamed and jumped with excitement when she saw her Uncle Russell. This all happened on the same day as Mike and Liz going into labor and checking into the hospital to have their baby.

Ansley Chase Miller was born on Monday morning weighing in at 5lbs 2 oz and 19 inches long and I cannot wait to get to Memphis and meet her. They went home Wednesday and mother and baby are doing well.

(the syrup is so I could see how small she is)

Grandmama and Granddaddy also sent Julia a whale pool just like the one they had at their house and we got it out yesterday and she loved it. Maggie is eating baby food now and she LOVES sweet taters!! She is also sleeping ALL night now and has been for a few weeks. She is doing great. Julia played dress up last night before bed and the high heels are on the wrong feet (which I loved because it just makes the outfit). She loved posing and then looking at the pictures. We will be visiting a "Little Gym" class on Tuesday. Julia will get to have tap, ballet, and gymnastics all in one hour so we will see how she likes it. The little girl at the cookout, Leah goes and gets to bring a friend on Tuesday night. We can't wait.