
Sunday, April 6, 2008

Spring is finally here!!

Well the weather is looking much better here in central Ohio and we are enjoying it. Julia has been asking me everyday if it is spring time yet?? Poor thing. They have been learning all about spring at preschool and she had been dying to get out and play. This weekend has been great and she had been taking advantage of it. Wyatt took her to Lowes to get some more sand for her sand box and they got a blueberry bush too!! Now if she just had the patience let them grow before she picks them. Maggie is doing great and putting up with our crazy schedule as best she can right now. She is a great eater and sleeper and at this point that is all we can ask for. Elizabeth comes on Thursday for a long weekend and we can't wait to see her and her baby bump. Maggie gets her 2 month shots and check up on April 15th. I will keep you all updated on our progress.