
Friday, April 25, 2008

Smiling Baby Pictures!!

Had to post with the cute pics I took of Maggie yesterday. Don't you just love that smile?? She does get sad too so I threw in some of her sad face although we are lucky and don't see it very often. She is doing great!! She is only getting up one time in the night and it is usually about 4 or 5 and she goes right back down so she is spoiling me already!! She has started drooling like crazy so that is the reason for the bib and no clothes because she is soaking everything. The doctor assured me that there were not any teeth in there yet so I hope he is right about that.

Julia had a great week in school. They were celebrating Earth week and had a nature walk yesterday. She has been have a great time playing outside every chance she gets. Wyatt is traveling this weekend but I think it is the last time for a while so it will be good to have him home for a while.

Enjoy the pics and have a great weekend!


Elizabeth Given said...

I am not made of moeny and if you keep posting these adorable pics, I will be tempted to buy another plane ticket soon...