
Sunday, March 9, 2008

Happy Birthday Julia!!

BLIZZARD 2008!!!
We were homebound all day yesterday due to the 15-20 inches of snow that hit central Ohio. We did venture out as far as the garage to let Julia play for about 15 min. Maggie opted out this time she said it was too cold. Grandmama and Granddaddy are due in late tonight YEAH!!! They were supposed to come yesterday but they bumped it back to avoid getting delayed at the airport. We are very excited to see them and introduce Maggie and celebrate Julia birthday too!! We are holding off our big celebration until tomorrow when they can be here. We hope to play later and attempt a snowman. It was just too windy and snowy yesterday to enjoy it. As you can see it is about knee deep on Wyatt and waist deep on Julia. Hopefully it will begin to melt today and we will not be stranded here for too much longer. Just wanted to update ya'll on how we are making it up here and wish Julia a Happy 3rd Birthday!! We love you and cannot believe how fast you are growing up!!