
Friday, February 29, 2008

Maggie Weighs 8lbs and 10 oz!!!

Well Maggie had her big 2 week weigh in today and she is doing great!! The doc said that she should be gaining 3/4 to 1 oz a day and she is gaining 2 oz a day. She was last weighed 10 days ago at 7lbs and 5 oz so she is packing it on. Yeah!!! Julia had school so she missed this trip to the Dr but it was snowing and I don't know how I would have done it with both girls. Maggie then had her first grocery trip and it was so exciting she slept through the whole thing. We should be done with Dr visits until her 8 week shots in mid April. Julia still can't get enough of her she is constantly kissing and holding baby Maggie. It is so cute!!


Unknown said...

Maggie is beautiful! Love the name. Amy was going to use Margaret had she had a girl!

She doesn't look much like Julia....yet.

Going to Memphis this weekend for Dinah's bacherlorette party!!

Talk to you soon.
Ann Marie