(holding an onion ring and ranch dip on her face, LOVE her!!)
Moo Moo LOVES John Henry
daily reading with Pop was always a fun time
Bubble bath in MiMi's SUPER sized tub
We went to YoLo for a sweet treat!!
Play date fun at Lizzy's house
Jana and 2 of her 14 great-grandchildren!!
Moo Moo LOVES John Henry
daily reading with Pop was always a fun time
Play date fun at Lizzy's house
We had a GREAT summer visit this year in Memphis! The girls were able to go to Hattiesburg and stay a week at Grandmama and Granddaddy's house. I am so glad we were able to visit with so many friends and family while we were down there. The girls had a blast in MS. It was a princess theme this year at Camp G&G. The girls went swimming daily, read stories, played sword fight, acted out plays/stories, cooked, went to Chuck E. Cheeses ECT........
They really had a ball. It was back to reality when we made it back to Ohio. They were so used to having so many fun things planned everyday that they had to adjust to normal like when we got back. We were there for John Henry's baptism, Libby's birthday party, went to the movies, went swimming, had play dates, played with cousins they had not seen in years........it was great time!! I also got a week off which was AWESOME. It was really fun to be in Memphis so that I could hang out and spend quality time with everyone!!
Julia started riding a bike this summer (no training wheels) and it has been VERY exciting. Pop went out and got her a new bike and all the gear the second day we got there......she had a blast and keeps getting better every time she rides. Next year it will be time for her to get a bigger one so she is pumped!!
The summer has just flown by!! I can't believe it is time for school and I will have a 1st grader!!