(thanks Elizabeth and Mimi)
Mimi and Pop LOVED having all 4 together
We really had an AWESOME trip!! The weather could not have been better. Bright and sunny everyday the only raindrops fell the day we left!! The kids had a blast!!! Julia, Maggie and Libby stayed with Mimi and Pop in their villa every night and it worked out great!! Especially since it was the first time my girls have shared a bed but they were worn out every night. The guys were able to golf one day and then a few adventurous ones attempted a fishing trip. All of the kiddos traveled well and there were no major mishaps so in my book it was considered a VERY successful trip. I will say I am missing the family AND the poolside guacamole and shrimp taco delivery!!
We will haul it to Memphis in 3 short weeks to visit some more and I will be sending Jules and Moo to Grandmama and Granddaddys house for their summer visit!! They are so very excited to go and Julia cannot wait to show off her new swimming abilities she has acquired since last summer. She is really doing great!! Hopefully summer will show up in Ohio soon so we can utilize our pool membership before the summer is gone!! I think I'd almost rather have the heat at least it would be consistent!!
Next week the girls have VBS and Julia finishes up soccer camp today!! So far the summer is flying by and we have been super busy but I wouldn't have it any other way!! I love having my girls at home and playing and being kids with out the hectic school schedule.
Happy Summer!!