
Thursday, February 4, 2010

I couldn't resist.....

Julia's preschool class celebrated the Chinese New year at school yesterday. Julia loved it!! She came home with fortune cookies, Chinese chocolates and CHOP STICKS!!! She eagerly asked if she could eat dinner with them and I said "Absolutely!! I would love to see that!!" While I was cooking them some grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner I heard something coming from the couch................

**play video now**

And I could not resist the urge to capture this moment so I did.

Julia is using her chop sticks as pointers.......and the bling on her finger is from the prize box at school today......

And I burnt the dinner BAD!!

But it was worth it for sure.............

then I made new sandwiches and Julia ate blueberries with her chop sticks..

PS. direct quote from Julia: "Mama, did you know that there are a dillion people in China?"

Happy Thursday!!