Last weekend we headed out to the pumpkin patch to select our pumpkin for carving. While there Maggie befriended a wooden cat.
Maggie discovered the hay........
My beautiful girls enjoying the fall colors and weather!!
Maggie is now 20 months old and learning and exploring more everyday!! It is incredible to see how much she soaks up into her little brain everyday. She is repeating everything. Words, faces, actions, dances ect.. She amazes me everyday.
Julia is growing up so fast and turning into a little lady. I find myself being able to turn little things that happen daily into "teaching moments" for her and I end up learning something too in the process. I enjoy being their Mom soo much. I understand that each day is a gift and I am trying to make the most of these days when they are young and innocent. They are literally growing up in front of my face and I don't want to miss a thing!!
More Halloween pics to come...........
More Halloween pics to come...........
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