Normally (when we lived in the south), I would welcome the end of summer. No more heat, cooler nights, less bugs ect...but now when summer ends it is only a matter of time before we are into the freezing winter of central Ohio. Oh joy!! This summer has been lots of fun and very busy for the Morris Family.
While Mimi and Pop visited we saw this-
Then later in the week Julia drew on her own face during a play date...
We also had some fun in the sprinkler
caught her mid-throw
they loved drinking the water...
This is the face she would make as she let the water
spray her directly in the face. She would run face first into the water all the while making this face. They had a blast!!
and they stayed ALL night long. They marched out at 8:30pm and did not return until 6:15am the next morning. They had soo much fun.

Maggie had to stay inside with me and have a coke and a smile. I guess she was really upset with her daddy because she did not get to go on the "camping trip". She was so mad, that while Julia and I were at the movies on Sat afternoon instead of taking a nap Maggie did something BAD!! I will spare you the details and all I will say is that it required Wyatt to give her a bath, do a whole load of laundry and disinfect her room. This after a night of sleeping outside on the ground. What a guy!!
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