How pitiful does she look? The funny thing is the first thing she said about the bruises was, "Mama they are just like the Princess and the Pea." She really was looking rough yesterday. She would lay around for about an hour and then play for an hour. I could tell she was not her normal self. Last night she slept great (no late night bumps or screams) and this is what I saw this morning when she got up.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Ear Infections and such.........
How pitiful does she look? The funny thing is the first thing she said about the bruises was, "Mama they are just like the Princess and the Pea." She really was looking rough yesterday. She would lay around for about an hour and then play for an hour. I could tell she was not her normal self. Last night she slept great (no late night bumps or screams) and this is what I saw this morning when she got up.
Posted by Jane at 3:15 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Hot Steppin with Make up and more......
All moms can relate on some level to the video above. If you have not had this happen yet then just wait because in time your little one will indulge his or herself in your toiletries or make up at some point. This one was too cute not to share. Notice her strategy of deny, deny, deny. She just doesn't get it yet. The video does not really show the vast amount of my Bare Minerals foundation powder that she used so I am including this picture for you to reference.
Maggie's latest trick is one we have named "Hot Steppin." It is soo cute! In this video it is tame to say the least. She really goes crazy right when Wyatt comes in from work. She steps (very fast) and screams and claps. It is priceless. I will have to rig up a video of him coming home from work sometime soon to capture the celebration for you. Mags is also talking a little. She says "Oh Wow!! What is that?" on occasion but she says WOW alot. She does the Mama, Dada, sister...... I can't believe all the stuff she is doing these days. It is a constant reminder of how fast time flies and my baby is growing up (sigh, BIGGER sigh......).
Posted by Jane at 11:03 AM 2 comments
Sunday, March 22, 2009
It has been a while....
Warning: These pictures will be in no particular order as I do not have time to organize them like I usually do.
The cake
Making the cake
Posted by Jane at 8:42 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 9, 2009
Julia Grace is 4!!!!
I am sure you are thinking "Wow, that looks like a child size Kitchen Aid mixer" rest assured it is not.
Sure enough out came a golden fluffy cupcake (IN 30 seconds). Then we prepared the icing. Same as before add water to a packet. It was about here that we got a little off track and Wyatt decided that the icing was too runny. So I thought we will just add some powdered sugar and thicken it up a bit. (we needed it to be thick because when you put the icing in the contraption it squeezes the icing out onto the cupcake for you and the cupcake spins around).
Posted by Jane at 7:37 AM 2 comments
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Crazy Maggie
I think the title says it all. This was Friday night and Wyatt had just gotten home from a one day trip to DC. Needless to say Maggie was very excited to see her daddy.
Posted by Jane at 1:03 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
I doubt they even missed me......
Mama is back and I really don't think I was missed one bit. The girls had a blast with Wyatt this past weekend and I had a great getaway in NYC!! We have been on the go since I got back Sunday night. Now if we could just get some spring time weather it would be just perfect!! Julia will be turning 4 next week and Grandmama and Granddaddy will be coming for a visit!! So we have a lot going on in the next few weeks. I can't believe my baby is going to be 4!! I will be putting some "through the years" pics up by this weekend (as soon as I pull them off the old computer) so be on the lookout. Meanwhile here is a video of Maggie in her squeak shoes and Julia being shy for the camera.........Have a great week.
Posted by Jane at 2:09 PM 0 comments