Well today was the much anticipated "Halloween Parade" at preschool. Julia was so excited to wear her costume. In fact she was dressed and ready to go and we were getting in the car and she declared that I was NOT to call her Julia but to call her "Dorthy". I obliged and will call her Dorthy anytime she is in costume from now on. I still have not found a lion costume for Mags and I will give it one last try tomorrow for any on clearance. And if that fails then she will be the frog that Julia was on her first Halloween. I dressed her in it today you know for the parade and all so she would not feel left out. It is so crazy how big she is I mean I knew she was bigger then Jules was at this age but OH MY she probably out grew the frog a month ago. But that did not stop me oh no I wedged her chubby behind into that frog because it was like 40 degrees here and that costume is very warm. Anyway it worked out fine although I don't think she liked getting strapped into the car seat while in costume but I made that work too! Needless to say after all of these costumes and parades and parties I am one warn out mama that's for sure. Enjoy the pics and Halloween round 2 will be up soon probably Sat.
Maggie in the car seat she is such a trooper!
Before we left for the parade.