
Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Father's Day!!

We had a CRAZY weekend as usual it was hectic but fun. Saturday we went to a street festival in a town about an hour from us. Lots of cute little shops on the square and food vendors. They had live music all day and we even got to see some belly dancers perform (a first for me). That was interesting and Julia thought it was great. She danced at the band and saw some puppies. She also pulled the usual and had to potty when we were about 3 blocks from a public restroom and while we were sitting down eating lunch (it never fails). Just a side note she was terrified of the big blue puppet guy in the pictures and screamed hysterically while I pushed the stroller by him. Wyatt and Jules also harvested the first tomato off of their plant. As you can see she is a proud little farmer. It took some convincing to let it stay in the window for one day to ripen and then yesterday they enjoyed the crop. Julia is also doing vacation Bible school at a church we have been visiting. It is all this week at night 6:30-8:30. Last night was the first night and so far so good. They have an "Amazon" theme. All of the age groups are different jungle animals. How fitting that the 3 year old are the "sloths". What is even funnier is that Julia knows what that is and she was so excited when she found out she was going to be a purple sloth for the week. Maggie had her 4 month appt last week and she weighed in at 14 pounds and it doing great. We have attempted cereal a few times but she is still learning so she is not quite a pro yet. We are preparing for our trip to Hattiesburg on Friday. We cannot wait to see everyone!!


Elizabeth Given said...

Julia's toothy smile is hilarious!
And I love their matching outfits...and your haircut. I am ready for August to be here so we can all hang out! Just let me know of any new favorites that I need to add to my shopping list.
love you!