Blinking Rudolph nose
Uncle Keith and Aunt Chip with the girls.
The adults had fun with the toy too!! That is Grandmama!!
Santa brought bunny slippers!!
and princess wands!!!
(Maggie, Dysin, Julia)

The tree.
The tree.
We had a blast in Hattiesburg for the holidays!! Everyone stayed well and had soo much fun!! Julia made a new friend, Dysin, and they got along GREAT!! We all ate WAY to much but it is hard to resist all the good food at Christmas!! We are fighting some runny noses this week and little cough. But I can't complain and after all it is 14 degrees up here right now so we are staying put anyway. Wyatt is at the Cotton Bowl in Dallas right now cheering on the Rebs with his dad!! He has a work meeting there all next week so pray for my sanity as I am solo mom until next weekend!!