Saturday, December 18, 2010
Christmas time is here!!!
Posted by Jane at 10:38 AM 0 comments
Halloween Pictures
Julia was Ariel for Halloween this year and Maggie used a hand me down costume of Julia's and she was an "autumn witch"
Posted by Jane at 10:25 AM 0 comments
Labels: halloween 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Catch up
Here are some pictures from G and G's visit. On the way home from "Amish Country" we stopped at the longest covered bridge in Ohio. We were able to walk across and take some pictures. It was really neat. The Amish buggies use it.
Julia and Grandaddy
I am pleased to announce that Maggie is potty trained!! Once we started in hard core it took about 5 days and she has been doing great!! This is a major accomplishment in the "mom" department (and if you have done it before then you know this) so I just had to make a note of it!!
Also over the past 2 weeks Julia has made major strides in her reading!! We are so proud of how well she has done. It almost happened over night!! It is crazy how fast she is growing up. She LOVES school and only goes part-time so I am just amazed at how much and how fast they are learning in kindergarten.
Posted by Jane at 3:07 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 7, 2010
it's been a while.......
Posted by Jane at 12:26 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 2, 2010
It happened..........
my baby grew up to 5 and a half right before my very eyes. WOW where did the time go?? These are the thoughts that have consumed this mom's brain for the past few weeks. It seems like we have been building up to this all summer. We have had lots of chats and talking about kindergarten at our house. So much so, Maggie talks as if she is also going "with sissy" to kindergarten. And even though Julia has only gone to school for 3 days total so far it is still hard for Maggie when she leaves (mainly because Wyatt has dropped her off the past 2 times and it is very painful for Daddy AND sissy to leave together without her). She has been here with me this week but after the Labor day break she will be going to preschool on Mon and Wed mornings after we drop Julia at her school.
Julia is LOVING school. I need to video her when she gets dismissed at the back of the school. She is considered at "walker" because our neighborhood is right next to the school. The playground has a path leading to the back end of our subdivision. The walkers are dismissed all together at the back of the playground. Maggie and I meet her there after school is out. Depending on the weather and time sometimes we walk and sometimes we drive. To see her running full speed across the grass all the way to us is priceless so I need to capture it on video. Wyatt and I took her together on the first day and stayed for a parent meeting/breakfast that lasted an hour. Then we left. Left her there with 19 other 5 year olds and 1 teacher ( who is great but I feel soo sorry for because she is about to pop out her 1st baby in a few weeks). It was just very overwhelming to wrap my mind around the fact that it is already time to do this......... There were lots of teary mamas and I was one but I hid it well........
The rest of that day was really quiet around the house and I watched the clock all day so I could go pick her up and hear all about her day. She had a blast. She loves school just like we knew she would. She is still getting used to the schedule since kindergarten is a part time program in our district. She goes on Mondays,Wednesdays, and every other Friday. The school, from what we have seem so far is GREAT!! I feel like she is in very capable hands. I have already been to 3 meetings and will be volunteering to help out up there when I can. I am hoping Maggie and I can go up there one day next week and eat lunch with her. Maggie gets out of school at noon and Julia does not eat lunch until 1pm (but they have morning snack). I would love to see her in action with all her new friends.
So next week I will have 6 hours of "free" time on my hands for the first time since Maggie was born. I need to start making a list.........
Posted by Jane at 6:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: Julia 1st day of kindergarten
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Summer Outings
Posted by Jane at 9:01 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Summer Fun!!
Elizabeth and I made this birthday cake for Libby's 2nd celebration.......
Posted by Jane at 9:35 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 9, 2010
Happy Birthday Grandaddy!!
The girls are still talking about all the fun they had during their week with ya'll!!!
Miss ya'll and love ya'll!! Have a great weekend!!!
Posted by Jane at 12:01 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Her newest trick "jumping over Daddy"
Julia discovered she could hold me in the water.
Me and my girls!!
Dysin with the shark goggles on......what a cutie!!
Posted by Jane at 2:32 PM 0 comments